Adam + Jessica | Maternity | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Despite the humidity, it was so fun to photograph these two! I grew up with them at church and it doesn’t seem that long ago that we were all in youth group together. I have always looked up to Jessica and greatly appreciated her wisdom during my teen years. And who doesn’t love the Widecan family? They are all wonderful! Adam + Jessica are expecting their little girl to make an appearance very soon! I’m SO looking forward to seeing pictures of her.

We met up at Concord Woods which I’ve now added to my list of suggested locations. There are so many great parks in Lake County and this is one I missed. Ironically, we used to have church get togethers here haha! Many congrats to you both! You will be amazing and fun parents!


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DiAndra + Jonathan | Poland Ohio | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

This wedding was a great way to kick off my busy fall season! September is perfect wedding weather and I look forward to this weather every year! DiAndra + Jonathan had a perfect day and lots of great memories were captured. Jonathan’s son, Mason is so handsome and precious! Also, flower girl Jessa’s dress was STUNNING! Loved it!

I loved DiAndra’s detail shots with her invitation included. It just made all of the jewelry so cohesive and even more stylish.

I teared up a lot during this wedding especially when DiAndra danced with Mason during the reception. So sweet!

The Poland Library and town hall across the street are perfect spots for bridal portraits. Such a classic style and great lighting. And let’s talk about the cookie table. Holy guacamole it was amazing! It doesn’t get any better than eating your grandma’s classic homemade cookies!

I have had the privilege to witness DiAndra + Jonathan’s love for Mason and I’m so excited that they are expecting a new baby!! I was so excited to see that post the other day! Congrats guys!poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0001poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0002poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0003poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0004poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0005poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0006poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0007poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0008poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0011poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0012poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0013poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0014poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0015poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0016poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0017poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0018poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0020poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0021poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0022poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0023poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0024poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0025poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0026poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0027poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0028poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0029poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0030poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0031poland_embassy_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0032

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Chelsea + Devon | Hippodrome Downtown Warren | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Party of the year goes to?? Not even kidding you guys! Chelsea + Devon’s day was so so great! Trish and I had so much fun and the photos clearly show that. I went through over 2500 photos from this wedding and that’s almost doubling what I usually go through. Craziness.

So many great details from this wedding and I hope you enjoy scrolling through them. Chelsea is amazing at calligraphy and the personal touches throughout were so unique. Devon and four of his groomsmen were/are in the military and it was so special to capture that for them. What an honor!

Chelsea and her dad did such a cute father daughter dance and it clearly showed their personalities. I could not stop laughing. I loved it. And then Devon and his mom just made me tear up. Such special moments!!

Warren City Hall is a hidden gem and I absolutely LOVE shooting there. Couldn’t have asked for a better day. The bridal party was an awesome group and I’ve never seen a better groom and best man bromance. They are bffs that is for sure! Also, Chelsea and Ashley were so sweet together! MOH goals for SURE!!

Chelsea, we loved seeing your confidence and beauty shine throughout the day and Devon, we loved watching you look at Chelsea like she was the only girl in the room. Congrats to you both, ya love birds!


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Gwen is 6 months old!

Our cute little munchkin is 6 months old! I cannot believe it’s been half a year already! So much has changed and she grows so much over night!

Since she started sitting up on her own, every new activity has been so fun and I love watching her curiosity with new things. She giggles, she splashes in the tub, she is starting to sleep on her belly, she loves to swim and she is starting to try fruits and veggies! Seems like everything I do has a sound effect attached to it and getting her to giggle can be a 25 min tangent. Ha!

Scott helped me with her pictures and we did them inside, out in our back yard, and at a park in Warren. Reggie snuck in a few too. She has finally accepted that Gwen is here to stay. Gwen just squeals with excitement when Reggie gets close.

On the days that I feel overwhelmed, I remember that even the simplest things are gifts. The boring days are blessings. The empty schedules and piles of laundry are graciously allowed. I have a Heavenly Father who’s given me the opportunity to raise a healthy, beautiful little girl. And I will gladly take all of these days over anything I imagined for myself. My identity has changed and my perspectives have shifted. It is hard to imagine life before Gwen.


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Jamie + Michael | The Lake Club | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

I’m so excited to share these photos from Saturday’s wedding. It was a hot one but it was also a lot of fun! The Lake Club is so beautiful and all of the details from the day made it amazing!

Jamie is just the sweetest and she treated me like a close friend which I truly appreciated. You can definitely tell she is loved by many because she had 12 amazing bridesmaids! What a group! Michael + Jamie were together in high school so we went to their old stomping grounds and took pictures with the entire group at Cardinal Mooney. There was also two sets of twins in the group which is totally unique! Jamie and her sister Julie (the MOH) and two bridesmaid friends, Jenna + Mara. And Michael! What a guy 🙂 It was so sweet to watch him dance with his Mom.

Oh and I can’t forget about the ice cream! Handel’s came in their truck and served the guests after dinner. Not gonna lie, I hopped in line pretty quick! It was funny to chat with some of the band members who aren’t from Youngstown. They couldn’t figure out why everyone was so excited about an ice cream truck lol. I’m not originally from Youngstown, but I figured out pretty quick why Handels is so delicious!



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We took our baby camping! | Clear Creek State Park | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

You took a 6 month old camping?!

Yes! We did! And it was fun! Gwen actually did really well. Better than I thought she would and I look forward to future camping trips with her. Despite the heat, we all had a good time. We took Gwen to stick her toes in the water and get a few cute pictures of her exploring the dirt and sand. Gwen and I shared the tent and Scott enjoyed sleeping in his hammock under the stars.

Scott cooked dinner, started the fire and set up everything that we needed. He loves this kinda stuff and has the gear to prove it! My favorite part was him making coffee in the morning. We brought our chemex from home and enjoyed some Branchstreet beans. Yum!

Clear Creek State Park is absolutely beautiful and I look forward to visiting again. Lots of tall pines and the Mountain Laurel flowers were in full bloom.

The entire trip I kept saying, “Next time we should bring….” Ha! I made a list of things we should bring that I didn’t think of until we got there. It’s amazing how much gear you need for a little being who’s less than 20lbs. Goodness!

Overall, family trips like this one will be happening again. Scott loves getting outdoors and I hope he enjoys doing it with me and Gwen as much as he enjoys doing it with his buddies! I’m so thankful for a creative God who made such a beautiful earth for us to enjoy whether it’s Ohio, Pennsylvania or Idaho 😉


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