Sienna + Madelyn | Twins Newborn Session | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Who doesn’t love a same day blog post?! I know the Momma and the Nanny are gonna love this!

My mom and I had so much fun this morning with Sienna and Madelyn. They were so good and wanted their eyes to be open for most of the pictures 🙂 Big brother Charlie made an appearance at the end and it worked out perfectly. We had so many different outfits and blankets and headbands, I just didn’t know what to choose. This is why girls are fun to photograph.

These girls are about a month old and doing really well! So happy for this little family!

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Montville Ohio Wedding | Molly + Bill | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

These June weddings are making my heart swell! I’m having so much fun this month putting blogs together and going through favorite photos. Molly + Bill’s day was a special and intimate one. Very small but very fun.

I went to high school with both of them and they have been together since I can remember. They are so good together and I was honored to witness their “I do’s.”

Congrats Molly + Bill! Lots of love!









































It’s finally here! | Promo Video | Lindsey Yeagley Photo | Rebrand!

It’s here! I’m so excited to share with you! After learning so much at the photography workshop I went to with Katelyn James, I have been so motivated to take my business to the next level. On top of being more organized and efficient, especially with my time, I decided to rebrand! I am not officially done with this process because I am still working on my new site and still working on a new logo etc. But I couldn’t wait til the end of the summer to show you this!

This promo video is a way for you to get to know me on a different level. Getting to see me work and interact is important and I want you to feel informed before you book with me! I hired an amazing dude to help me with this! Mitchell from Silvius Pictures is a genius and so very creative!

Thanks for your patience and sharing in the excitement! You can also view the video on my home page at
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Kerry + Hugh | Chic Barn Wedding | Burger King | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

This wedding is amazing. I kept saying that in my head the entire day. Everything from her dress, to the details, to the music, to the flower girls’ dresses. Everything was like it was from a dream. I was loving it! If Scott and I got married again, I’d order this entire day exactly!

Kerry + Hugh had their reception at a wonderful and gorgeous barn in Dover, Ohio. Rivercrest Farm is every bride’s dream come true. It is family run and so beautifully taken care of. The barn even has a bridal suite in the very top (with AC I might add)! I loved the natural light flowing in as well as all the twinkling lights in the rafters. The owner of the barn drove us up the hill in a gator and we were able to spend some time in the high grass and fenced area. It was so beautiful!

Kerry loves animals so I’m not surprised at all that on her special day, she was surrounded by them. One curious horse even got a little too personal 🙂 All of the dogs were so sweet and a certain goat tried to eat my second shooter’s memory cards! Talk about panic!

I think my favorite part of the day was when Kerry wanted Burger King for lunch. Her mom ordered two huge container’s worth of Whoppers, chicken fries and french fries. Man, that Whopper was so good!

Not to end on a serious note, but, Hugh, I am praying for your dad and I am so sad he couldn’t be there with you to celebrate. Hopefully he’ll enjoy seeing some pictures!

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Send Lindsey to Kenya

Send Lindsey to Kenya
I have a wonderful opportunity this summer to go on a mission trip to Kenya with Africa Health & Hope. The trip will go from August 21st through September 6th and there is only 3 of us going. This is something that God has placed on my heart and now I desire to follow His leading to be an active participant on this great adventure!

On this trip we’ll be involved with several aspects of ministry. We’ll be the “guest speakers” at the second annual Maasai Women’s Conference which will be held at Amboseli Chapel located at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This seminar will involve teaching basic Bible principles to women and a few men. The theme for the conference is “Spiritual Warfare in the Woman’s World”. We’ll also be involved with a new church dedication where the members have been meeting under a tree for quite some time. God has provided and they now have a building to meet in. After the church dedication, we’ll have a special service for the children to honor them. When the lesson is over, we’ll have a party and give away Barbie dolls, balls, cars, ball caps, t-shirts and treats.This will probably be the greatest time in their lives because they’ve never received anything like this. After a few days we’ll travel to the far north to a town called Maralal in Samburu District. There we’ll visit several churches to be an encouragement to them and see the sites of the third and fourth water wells. We’ll also have church dedications there as well. I was told that we will be “on the go” every single day but it will make a lasting impression on my heart and life forever. I’m really looking forward to this experience and the opportunity to share the gospel with so many.

The total cost of this trip is $3900. This includes airfare and all in-country expenses. I would like to take this moment to ask you to partner with me on this adventure. Yes, I want to be an active participant on this trip but you can go with me by helping in several ways. I need prayer warriors! I would SO appreciate it if you wrote out a prayer and sent it to me to take to Kenya. My address is: 2712 Elizabeth Drive, Warren, Ohio 44481. Your words will be so uplifting while I’m there. This trip is not going to be glamorous and I will witness a lot of hard things including starvation. Man cannot live on bread alone and Christ is the only one who can sustain us. Praise the Lord! I witnessed similar things when I went to Papua New Guinea in college (2009). They relied on Christ to provide their daily needs, such simple things to us, such as food for lunch. Those moments were eye-opening for me. I am praying for the Lord’s provision on this trip to Kenya.

I also need support financially. If you can help in any way, I would greatly appreciate it. Any funds should be sent by August 7th. If I receive over the amount of my expenses, the extra will go towards the women’s seminar. Also, if you have any of the items we’ll be giving the children that would be greatly appreciated as well.

– Write prayers that I can bring with me and send them to my address above
– Support me by funding my trip by mail or online
– Donate any of the items above for the children celebration

Thank you so much for partnering with me financially and in prayer. I am truly excited for this adventure. God bless you!

In Christ,

Lindsey Yeagley


Caroline + Cole | Chipotle Catered! | Salem Saxon Club | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

This day was so sweet and so great to be a part of. Caroline is my husband’s cousin and it was truly an honor to shoot a wedding for family. I had so much fun being a part of the whole day! The morning with the girls was exciting and full of fun music! We had many people praying that the weather would cooperate and I’m happy to say that it did! There were times during the day that it was down pouring but when I needed the group to take a photo, we made it happen! Both locations that I did photos of Caroline and Cole, on my last shot, the rain started and we booked it for the limo. Thankfully, I was satisfied with the photos we did get outside! PS. This a photographer’s worst nightmare!!! We NEED outdoor bridal portraits of you and your new spouse!!!

These two planned an amazing reception. Lots of people were up early to set up and help tear down at the end of the night. It was gorgeous! To make the night even more grand, Caroline and Cole had CHIPOTLE CATERED AND IT WAS AMAZING. I’m in love with Chipotle and was super pumped about it! It was a hit with the guests!

The party was fun and it was great to see my own family on the dance floor. My husband stuck out like a sore thumb because he’s so tall so that was fun to photograph 😉 I’m so excited to share a few favorites with you from Sunday! XOXO

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