I have a wonderful opportunity this summer to go on a mission trip to Kenya with Africa Health & Hope. The trip will go from August 21st through September 6th and there is only 3 of us going. This is something that God has placed on my heart and now I desire to follow His leading to be an active participant on this great adventure!
On this trip we’ll be involved with several aspects of ministry. We’ll be the “guest speakers” at the second annual Maasai Women’s Conference which will be held at Amboseli Chapel located at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. This seminar will involve teaching basic Bible principles to women and a few men. The theme for the conference is “Spiritual Warfare in the Woman’s World”. We’ll also be involved with a new church dedication where the members have been meeting under a tree for quite some time. God has provided and they now have a building to meet in. After the church dedication, we’ll have a special service for the children to honor them. When the lesson is over, we’ll have a party and give away Barbie dolls, balls, cars, ball caps, t-shirts and treats.This will probably be the greatest time in their lives because they’ve never received anything like this. After a few days we’ll travel to the far north to a town called Maralal in Samburu District. There we’ll visit several churches to be an encouragement to them and see the sites of the third and fourth water wells. We’ll also have church dedications there as well. I was told that we will be “on the go” every single day but it will make a lasting impression on my heart and life forever. I’m really looking forward to this experience and the opportunity to share the gospel with so many.
The total cost of this trip is $3900. This includes airfare and all in-country expenses. I would like to take this moment to ask you to partner with me on this adventure. Yes, I want to be an active participant on this trip but you can go with me by helping in several ways. I need prayer warriors! I would SO appreciate it if you wrote out a prayer and sent it to me to take to Kenya. My address is: 2712 Elizabeth Drive, Warren, Ohio 44481. Your words will be so uplifting while I’m there. This trip is not going to be glamorous and I will witness a lot of hard things including starvation. Man cannot live on bread alone and Christ is the only one who can sustain us. Praise the Lord! I witnessed similar things when I went to Papua New Guinea in college (2009). They relied on Christ to provide their daily needs, such simple things to us, such as food for lunch. Those moments were eye-opening for me. I am praying for the Lord’s provision on this trip to Kenya.
I also need support financially. If you can help in any way, I would greatly appreciate it. Any funds should be sent by August 7th. If I receive over the amount of my expenses, the extra will go towards the women’s seminar. Also, if you have any of the items we’ll be giving the children that would be greatly appreciated as well.
– Write prayers that I can bring with me and send them to my address above
– Support me by funding my trip by mail or online
– Donate any of the items above for the children celebration
Thank you so much for partnering with me financially and in prayer. I am truly excited for this adventure. God bless you!
In Christ,
Lindsey Yeagley