Roman Turns Ones!

Roman has my heart! I think I’ve said that every time I blog a session about this little man. His mom and dad put on a great 1st birthday party for him! Packers football galore!

After spending the afternoon at the Kubiak’s house, I can tell you Roman is truly loved by all of his family and friends. Everyone was so warm and welcoming! Such a blessing.

Kate is soo good at details. Everything was perfect for the party! Including a bubble bath for Roman after his cake smash 🙂 My favorites are the enthusiastic faces of the kiddos when Roman opens his gifts!















Paint Chip Promises | A New Series | Another Big Announcement!

So I’m starting something new. Some of you read my recent post about changes coming. Lindsey Yeagley Photo will be here before you know it. I’ve changed a few things already but I won’t launch everything until late summer.

Paint Chip Promises is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. I never really had any motivation to share it until now. I’ve always been one to have my desk or headboard or notebook, covered with post-its with reminders, prayer requests, Bible verses and favorite quotes. Having constant reminders and promises near me wherever I work or spend my time has always helped me. I’ve memorized Scripture without effort and those promises have encouraged me so much.

As I thought about different blog posts I could write about, this idea came up. I want to share posts that are life-enhancing. Something that’s meaningful to me but can encourage my readers. My motivation to get started with it is from Katelyn James. She really pushed us to commit to blogging more. Writing is a way for me to organize my thoughts and keeps me from getting overwhelmed.

For the first month of Paint Chip Promises, here is the May edition. This is a quote from Bob Goff – “Let the reasons not to fear outnumber your reasons not to try.”

I saw this on Instagram and immediately wrote it down. These past few months I have been going back and forth about what to do in a certain situation. I experienced emotions from trying not to be foolish to trying to be obedient. I guess it’s another big announcement for me that I’m excited about sharing! I will be traveling to Kenya, Africa in August. A missionary from my church asked if anyone would like to join her and I really only asked about it because I was curious about the trip. I didn’t really think for a second that I could actually go. We met a few times and prayed about it, together and separate. It just seemed like there were so many reasons for me not to go, that made it so frustrating for me. It’s not hard to come up with excuses of why it’s a bad idea. And then the terrorist attack happened at Garissa University. Which made a decision like mine, very difficult. After talking with Carol, we decided it was best to continue planning. So I am very excited to be able to make this journey to Kenya! I’ll be helping Carol as she does multiple church dedications and speaking at a women’s conference. I’ll have my camera with me at all times and I am beyond excited!

I’m asking for lots of prayers as I prepare for this new adventure. I know God is Sovereign and will do amazing things on this trip! I will share more details in future posts but I had to share!

If you have a favorite verse or quote, feel free to share in the comments! Maybe I’ll use it next month 🙂







Nathan + Lauren | Made for each other | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Meet Nathan + Lauren! They have been married for two years this April! Lauren surprised Nathan with an anniversary photoshoot!! I had so much fun getting to know these two as we walked around Mill Creek’s Riverside Gardens. There was a lot more in bloom than I thought would be. Thank goodness for that. This was the first day that felt like a perfect day for a photoshoot. April has been so iffy with the rain!

These two were such troopers when it came to my crazy ideas and descriptions of posing hehe!












Are changes coming to ELKAphoto? | Workshop Recap

How do I begin? There is so much to say but I don’t know how to say it!

To start off, I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason, I believe that God is Sovereign. His plan for my life is what I choose to trust.

It is God’s timing that makes my faith stronger. This time with Katelyn James was life-changing and mind-blowing. I know those are both cheesy, cliche words but they are what perfectly fits my experience. Seven years of content in two days. Just think about that for a second.

What defines me?

My business didn’t start like most photography businesses started. I don’t regret at all how I started because it is a memory I will always cherish. I was excited about it and I have great memories of starting it, putting it together, coming up with the name, everything I loved. A lot has happened since day 1, but details from what happened aren’t what’s important. I’m not here to bash anyone or anything or let that define my business. I have learned a lot from my mistakes, but it was hard for me to talk about until this workshop. I have never shared my struggles or fears with anyone except my husband. I wasn’t even planning on sharing this part of my story at the workshop but we got into this late night discussion and the tears just started flowing. Of course, I was embarrassed, but it felt so natural and so good to talk it out with Katelyn and these ladies. Community. Community. Community.

After the workshop was over and I said my goodbyes to the ladies, I went back to my hotel room and just cried it out (and if you ask my husband, he knows I just cry and cry about things I’m passionate about). I originally was looking forward to that last night by myself (I shared a room with a wonderful stranger-to-friend, Candi – love you girl!) to just relax, watch TV, enjoy the quiet, but that’s not what happened. I came back and immediately opened my laptop to collect my thoughts. With my Bible open, snuggled in the bed, I poured out to the Lord how thankful I was for allowing Katelyn to bless my life. He spoke through her these past two days and I am overjoyed. My cup runneth over! I have let too many other things and distractions define me and I didn’t even realize how much they were weighing on me. I literally have never felt this way about anything. Everyone has a part in their past that is hard to deal with and hard to heal from. If I chose to not share that part of my story, then I don’t think I would have healed just a little bit more that night.

Just to hear the other ladies tell me how genuine I was, just meant everything to me. Their words were so uplifting and these ladies have known me for two days!!! That would never happen if this workshop was in a venue with 50 other people.

What was the overall lesson from the workshop?

I learned the most about being able to educate my brides about how an ELKA wedding should go to get the best experience possible. The experience you are paying for is what I need to focus on. Educating brides about a few little things can make a huge impact with how their wedding will go. Along with experience, I learned about posing, lighting, editing, workflow, tools & tips, products and website advice. Everything under the sun! She shared all of her secrets and it was so helpful to hear what worked and what didn’t work.

One thing I really admired about Katelyn and her approach to a successful business, was her perspective on growth. Of course I want to grow my business and expand and make money to support my family…but…”we only grow when we start to give.” She said that and I couldn’t help but smile. This approach to a business is different but so me! I want my business to be so much more than a delivery of photos to you. I want to make sure you know that I care about you and even if ELKAphoto didn’t exist, you would still know who Lindsey is. Not to get super deep, but when my life is over and this world is gone, none of my pictures will matter. Only what is in my heart will matter. “For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” Hebrews 13:14

How can I change?

My business model is not what it was when I first started. And that is true for a lot of people. I think the vision was there but I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t educate myself on enough, and I was just dreaming and not planning. Everyone starts somewhere and when I look back, I’m so glad for the lessons that I learned. I could go on and on about the craziest and silliest things that I spent my time doing. And Katelyn will tell you that too. But she’s not ashamed of them, she shared them to benefit our growth. There are so many things that I’ve taken away from her experience/testimony.

One way I think I really need to change is a complete rebrand. This sounds scary to me because I know it’s a ton of work, but I need it. Hearing Katelyn’s advice just confirmed that. So, are there changes coming? YES! Be on the look out for a launch of Lindsey Yeagley Photo! There are so many exciting secret projects I’m working on that I cannot wait to share!

I am praying that when you’re done reading this, you will know my heart just a little better. And you’ll know why I do what I do. It is so much more than photographs.

Katelyn, thank you for being you! Your example and leadership have blessed my life. Thank you for listening to the Lord and being obedient. You are truly changing this industry. I’m so honored I met you and Michael. I took all of your advice to heart and I’m setting goals to be a better leader. This experience changed my life even though that sounds crazy. I look forward to staying in touch with you! You’re the best! I read this verse and thought of you immediately because when I look at you, I see Jesus. “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the Word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” Hebrews 13:7

– – – –
I wanted to share a bunch of behind the scenes photos from the workshop, plus two photos of the styled shoot we did! I can’t wait to show the rest but I have to wait!











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