Our little man is 3 months old! It’s crazy how these last few weeks have flown by! I am so thankful for my little sidekick. He is a happy little guy and I am so glad he’s a part of our little family. It is true what they say about the second kid. I am constantly playing catch up when it comes to capturing his milestones, or writing things down, or planning his quarterly pictures. I used to think I was so busy with just Gwen…ha! I guess I was busy but now that I’ve mastered the two kids at home plan, I can laugh at myself for ever thinking one kid was hard. I have my days where I haven’t brushed my teeth and it’s after lunch, everyone is still in jammies and I have no idea what I’m gonna do about dinner.
But thankfully I’m able to stay afloat with help from family. It is a blessing to have parents so willing to give me a break. Gwen so often gets to hang out at Grandma’s house so I can catch up on work. And I love that my mom who goes by Mema, comes down after school to hug her grandkids and catch up with me in person. Sometimes you just need your mom, ya know?
Nolan is my sidekick as I call him and I’m loving every minute. We recently went to Target (me, Gwen and Nolan) and Nolan did not want to be in his carseat and I didn’t bring anything with me into the store to wear him. So I walked around the store with him on my hip facing out while I towed Gwen around. She was happy and content with a lollipop in her mouth and Nolan just wanted to be held. My mom and I were laughing when I told her that story. There were other moms at Target just giving me the “I’ve been there” nod or the “I remember those days” smile.
Boys seem to be harder to come up with ideas for pictures but I narrowed it down and found something that was easy, quick and I didn’t have to buy anything. 3 month pictures are hard because they can’t sit up. I’m sure the neighbors were wondering why I was standing on a ladder with a big camera in my hand. In hindsight, I should have put a temporary tattoo on his arm to make him seem even more gruff. But just like his Uncle Kyle, sweet on the inside through and through. <3
I have to make sure I mention Nolan’s hair. It is wild and crazy and I’m unable to get it to lie flat haha! I think it’s driving me nuts because with Gwen I could put a bow in it but his hair just keeps getting longer, yet sticks straight up! He loves to be upright on my shoulder, loves his playmat, enjoys the quiet mornings with me as I sip my coffee and loves to be swaddled. The Ollie Swaddle for the win! I used to tiptoe around when Gwen was his age but he sleeps through all kinds of noise while I occupy her. Second kid, for the win!
We are looking forward to this summer when Scott gets to be home. I’m determined to have weekly hiking trips as a family so we can make many great memories together. We’ve been dying to get outside (as I’m writing this it’s a blizzard and it’s the second half of April).
Nolan Scott, I love you handsome boy!

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Nolan’s Birth Story
Gwen’s 3 month pictures