I had to get a few pictures with our azaleas from our yard before they died so I got these pictures about a month ago. That purple just makes me swoon!
I found this quote from Billy Graham awhile ago and it has always stuck with me. I’m not even sure if it came from one of his sermons or from a book he wrote. It’s a simple concept really. This can be used to look at a lot of things. Actual fruit, for one, does grow in the valley. When you go on vacation, it’s nice to relax and enjoy the view. But when vacation is over it’s back to work to pay the bills.
For me, this led to my spiritual life. It is so easy to do nothing isn’t it? To just sit back and live life the way you want. Let people know online that you’re closer to Jesus than you’ve ever been and he’s your best friend. Fer rill? Fruit doesn’t grow online in my opinion.
This quote makes me check myself a lot. I’ve committed my life to be a Jesus follower. So why do some days not reflect it? I can’t fully answer that for you but what I do know is that I am a sinner and my salvation is a daily repentance. Rinse and repeat. It is wonderful to go to a workshop or a concert or out of state to get some inspiration and realign your priorities BUT the real growth happens daily. Growth happens on the mornings that I really don’t want to get up a little early to spend some time in God’s word. Growth happens when I drive myself to Bible study even though I know I have a ton of editing to do. Growth happens when I call up a friend and ask them how they are doing spiritually even though I haven’t talked to them in forever and it could be an awkward conversation.
I’m not here to tell you “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” but I will say that God creates the mountain tops and the valleys and he is in control. Start trusting that!
“I(Paul) planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Cor 3:6-7