Lonee + Ethan | Monroe Falls | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

These two picked a great location for photos. Totally my style and totally full of fall colors! October has been so good to me this year. Lots of great weather for photo sessions.

I’ve known Ethan for the longest time. We grew up together in Leroy and more often than not you could find him and my younger brother Garren making silly stunt videos together or daring their friend Mike to do crazy things.

I got to meet Lonee for the first time at Garren’s wedding in June. She is so perfect for Ethan! I loved their chemistry and Lonee has an infectious laugh. So excited for their wedding this June!



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Kristina + Damian | Grand Pacific Hotel Olmsted Falls | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Kristina + Damian’s wedding was by far one of my favorite 2015 weddings. Everything was so beautiful and well thought out. Kristina gave me more than enough time to get bridal portraits and they picked an amazing and intimate venue. I wouldn’t have decorated it any differently. I loved everything from the burlap accents to the simple neutral color palette. Also, I was obsessed with her bouquet. It was gorgeous and perfect for September.

It was an awesome, celebratory day and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as me!


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Ali + Brian | Windows on the River Cleveland Flats | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Ali + Brian had a beautiful wedding in the heart of Cleveland. I don’t get to visit the flats unless I’m doing a wedding or session and every time I enjoy it thoroughly. Maybe someday I’ll make time to go out to eat up there with my hubby. But for now, I love photographing it.

After a beautiful ceremony, the evening was a treat for the guests at Windows on the River. They enjoyed browsing the Cleveland Aquarium during cocktail hour while we were taking photos. I have yet to visit the aquarium as well. I’m a true Clevelander, I know.

It was so great to be a part of their special day and I’m excited for them as they start their life together! Congrats!


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Emma + Kyle | Orchard Hills Park Engagement | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Meet Emma + Kyle! They are the sweetest! Orchard Hills is one of my favorite places to shoot and I had such a hard time choosing favorites from this session. It was so great to capture their chemistry!


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Shannon + Adam | Downtown Cleveland Engagement | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Happy Friday!

I wanted to share a quick post of Shannon + Adam’s Cleveland engagement. We were all over town chasing the sun! I love the classic trolley shots as well as ones with the Rock Hall in the background 🙂

These two tie the knot on June 10! Thanks so much for letting me be the third wheel for a bit!

I’m gearing up for a double header weekend so please excuse me as I go pack my bags, recharge batteries, and try to get to bed early! Looking forward to a creative weekend!














#sendLindseytoKenya | Recap + Thank you! | Youngstown Ohio Wedding Photographer

Friends & Family,

There are many of you to thank and I thought the best way would be to send a brief summary of what we did, what I learned, and what your money supported. With that being said, THANK YOU! Your support, prayers and encouragement meant so much to me, big or small! This trip has renewed me, refreshed me, and humbled me. It was also an amazing opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I wish I could share every detail in my heart but I’m afraid that would be a very long letter, or a very long coffee date 🙂 If you’re up for a coffee date, give me a holler.

Let me start off by saying Carol Perkins is an amazing woman. I learned so much through getting to know her, watching her interact with her Kenyan family, and listening to her words of wisdom. She is an amazing leader and God has truly blessed her obedience. Your money supported her ministry and beyond. We were able to visit and encourage several churches during the 2 weeks. We were able to give food to dozens of families as well as 40 goats to 40 families. The goats will help sustain families during the dry season when crops aren’t growing. This made me really think about the importance of rain and what it means to these communities. At two different church dedications, we were able to give well over 100 children gifts and treats including t-shirts, tennis balls, barbies, cookies, gospel bracelets, baseball caps, hot wheels cars, and candy canes. The joy I witnessed is something I’ll never forget. Each child was filled with excitement and gratefulness for their gifts. This is a once in a lifetime experience for them and I was so honored to be there. We were also able to bless the pastors of each of the churches with new suit outfits, socks, money for school fees for their children, lotions for their wife and much more. Their leadership in these communities is vital to the growth of the church. Carol has done an amazing job equipping these pastors to be the best leaders they can be to their families and their church. This is definitely a needed area and many prayers are appreciated for this growth. Your money also supported the Women’s Seminar we hosted. We had around 90 women attend the two day event. Carol, Joann and myself were all able to share what was put on our hearts. I shared my testimony in hopes to communicate that we were equals in God’s eyes despite our skin color or way of life. I shared joyfully and they rejoiced along with me that we are sisters in Christ and we will one day live forever in Christ’s kingdom. There are many other things that your money supported and I am 100% grateful for every penny. Please know you made an immense difference in the Kenyan community.

It’s overwhelming for me to try to even begin to share with you what I experienced. A “brief” summary seems impossible. I’m thankful I journaled each night because I would not be able to remember every single detail. Carol had so much planned for us and we got it done. The first week we ministered to the Maasai tribes in the southern part of Kenya. We also got to meet the seven women that work for the Aprons for Africa business that Carol started. All of the women were around my age and it was so great to connect with them. They work so hard and were really excited to meet us. We were able to have the Women’s Seminar, church dedication, famine relief, and worship services with various churches whether in a church building or under a tree. Having church under a tree is very humbling. I got to witness many families eager to worship together despite the fact that they didn’t have a church building. Their faithfulness was refreshing and uplifting for me. And I can’t forget that they walk miles for church, and I mean lots of miles. Again, very humbling. It was an awesome experience to give away Bibles at each church we visited as well. Over the weekend we took a small airplane to the north to visit a few more churches, do famine relief, another church dedication, and visit an orphaned family that Carol has kept in contact with and supports. We did a lot in 3 days before traveling back towards Nairobi and west of the city. During the second week, we were able to rest for a few days and enjoy the safari. This was an awesome experience and we were able to worship God through his creation. It was also very nice to rest. We were on a tight schedule and it didn’t leave room for recovery but God gave us the strength we needed for each day.  On our last full day in Kenya we visited another church under the tree near Narok. The community was very welcoming and it was a great way to end the trip. On Saturday the day we left, we were able to explore Nairobi for a bit and visit some businesses that offer jobs to Kenyan women to provide for their families.

Do I think this trip was a “once in a lifetime” opportunity? No. Would I travel again to Kenya? Yes. I plan to be obedient and listen for direction from the Lord but one thing I learned is that everyone is called to missions. Some people give, some people pray, and some people go. This time I was able to go and I’m so thankful for the opportunity. I think fear blocks Christians from stepping out in faith and ministering to other cultures. Fear can look like a lot of things including excuses. One thing I do know, if God wants you to go and if you’re obedient, he will make it happen. There were so many speed bumps in the way for me with this trip. Satan tried his hardest to break me down and I felt defeated before the trip and during the trip. To start off, I’m pregnant and that caused a lot of worry with myself, family members and anyone else following my journey. I know some thought I was crazy and irresponsible. I’m not gonna lie, that hurt and it hung over my head the entire trip. I also had to deal with getting shots and medication before the trip to protect myself from any harm. This was a huge worry for me because of the baby. And how did I start off the trip? I got the flu. Here I am far away from home, thinking I’m going to need to be hospitalized because I was that sick. Fear just overtook me completely. I had no idea what I was going to do. Carol sat me down and we prayed. She then explained to me exactly what I needed to hear. God used her wisdom as a learning moment for me. She said, “Lindsey, the devil knows our weakest points. He knows you’re worried about the baby and taking this medication and not being able to reach your doctor. He is trying his hardest to bring you down because you have a purpose for this trip. You came with a pure heart and pure intentions. But, God is in control and he will either show his supremacy by healing you, or show his sufficiency by giving you the strength you need each day despite your sickness. He will use you for his glory either way.” Right then and there a page turned for me. I knew I needed to stop listening to the lies of fear and remain faithful to the mission God led me to. That night I was able to rest the entire night and woke up renewed. I dealt with the symptoms for the next week of the trip but I didn’t care. God made a way for me to get better, communicate with the doctor, and persevere through the pain. This experience reminds me of a verse I shared with the women at the seminar – John 16:33 – “In the world you will have tribulation, but take heart; I have overcome the world.” I explained to them that the word “will” is important. Jesus didn’t say that we “might” or “could” have tribulation. He said we WILL and I experienced that completely. So did I rejoice in my suffering? Yep! And the women rejoiced as well knowing they had a Savior who cared for them despite their suffering.

This trip to Kenya stretched me and I learned many other things. God gave me a boldness I’ve never encountered before. I am completely horrible at public speaking and I get so worked up about it. This was a fear going into this trip but I overcame. Everywhere we went, the churches and communities wanted to hear from us. If I have to speak in front of an audience I like to have something prepared, typed up, and organized. It is much easier to hide behind a piece of paper and just read your thoughts. After all, I’m a much better writer than speaker. I wasn’t able to prepare like this for the times I had to speak. So I really had to learn how to listen to what God wanted me to share, despite my lack of public speaking skills. It ended up being an awesome opportunity to share God’s word. I was able to share my favorite verses, favorite psalms, and encouraging words for new Christians. Let me tell you, every Kenyan I talked with was beyond excited that I was having a baby. They expressed so much gratitude that I would travel this far to minister to them while expecting. That meant a lot to me and it allowed me to bury that fear of worry. God used their excitement to comfort me.

I witnessed a lot of things both good and bad. I witnessed desperation, hunger, greed, corruption and dishonesty. While all of that is evident in the States and around the world, it gave me a new perspective on the Kenyan’s dependency on a Savior. They want rescued and they rejoice in their suffering knowing Jesus has saved them. With all of that bad that I witnessed, I also witnessed good. I saw joy, love, purity, humility, and kindness. Even in the midst of a drought, families wanted to serve us a meal made with love. They invited us into their homes and were so excited to get to know us. Witnessing their dependency on Jesus helped me to realize and reflect on the distractions I have here at home. I’m guilty of living like I don’t need a Savior. I’m guilty of not living with that desperation in mind and I’m guilty of every area of my life not glorifying my Creator. It is so easy to get comfortable and I want to honor God even on the mundane days. Not everyone will get to go to Kenya and experience what I did, but we all should strive to glorify our Savior with desperation and humility. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t coming home with this “mission’s trip high” and watch it fade away after a few weeks. I plan to be obedient with what God wants me to do as far as involvement with Africa Health & Hope. One need Carol has mentioned is branding and website design. Carol really wants her ministry to expand and reach more people and I hope to help with that. I got to bless Carol with well over 600 pictures from our trip and I wish I could share all of them with you! I wanted to include a few of my favorites so that you could see some of what I experienced, reflect, and pray for Kenya.

As I said before, I could go on and on and still feel like I didn’t share enough of what I experienced with you. Most importantly, I want you to know that I learned a lot, we helped a lot of people and I hope I was able to reflect Christ’s love to at least one person. Thank you so much for your support. I am forever grateful.

Until I visit Kenya again,

Lindsey Yeagley

Mount Kilimanjaro



Handing out cookies at Pastor John’s church!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0004

Handing out Bibles at our first church dedication…nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0005



Meeting the women behind Aprons for Africa was such a blessing!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0008





We visited a Maasai village (mud huts and all!) and of course we had to dance with them! They showed us how they start a fire with elephant poop.nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0013



Day one of the women’s seminar…nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0016


Oh you know, just 4 giraffes on the side of the road!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0018

Gona and Duncan…two very great staff members at the safari camp we stayed at. And then there’s the airplane we took! So tiny!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0019



Famine Relief happenings at one of the churches and more Bible handouts!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0022





Church under a tree…nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0027



Simon reppin’ a South Range shirt…soooo I had to get a pic with him.nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0029

This was our ride for the 2 weeks! Bonnie is an awesome dude! nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0030


Ready for safari in the Maasai Mara!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0032


There’s Bonnie representing ONC! We saw multiple people with this shirt on!nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0034



We stopped by this “official” rock of the Tanzanian and Kenyan borders…nairobi_kenya_missions_africa_lindsey_yeagley_photo_0037



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