Category Archives: Specialty

Glatzer Family | Poland, Ohio

Meet the Glatzer Family! They are seriously one of the most adorable families I’ve ever photographed! I met Katie from attending her gym studio she recently opened (I’ll get to that next). She was kind enough to let me leave my info out for others looking for a local photographer. A few weeks went by…

2014 Chevrolet Camaro

My dad’s obsession with cars is like my obsession with photography. He’s insane. Of course I agreed to shoot a few shots of his super cool ride! But, only if he gave me a ride in it 🙂 I’m kidding, my dad loves taking his fam out in his cars! He recently just took his…

Casal Aveda Institute | Edwin Neill | Austintown, Ohio

I used to work at a few different Aveda schools and Casal’s recently hired me to do a few headshots of a model. Three students were picked to makeover a model and submit before and after shots to a contest inspired by Edwin Neill.  Each of them had a different job: color, cut, and makeup….

Floyd & Dorothy Saltsman | Newton Falls, Ohio | 60 Years Together!

The Saltsman family is just a great family! I had the honor of meeting Floyd & Dorothy along with their kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids! Donna invited me to photograph their family reunion/celebration of her in-laws 60th wedding anniversary. All of the details were well-thought out and you could tell were made with love. Games, a…

The Whole30 Challenge

The Whole30 Challenge. Best decision I ever made this year so far. I tried journaling when I found the time because I wanted to document my current feelings at that time during the month. Instead of only writing a reflection at the end of the 30 days. So when you’re reading, some of it may…


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