I read in a blog recently about friendship and how it should be approached. I really took what it said to heart because mostly I feel like I have horrible track record with friendships. Here’s a quote that has stayed in my mind since I saw it:
“We need at least one and preferably many friends who inspire us to serve, provoke us to love, help us to grow in godliness, correct us, encourage us, strengthen our faith, and spur us on to passion for the Savior.”
And…these two are just that. Over the past year, my husband Scott and I have grown so close to these two wonderful people. It was an adjustment living in a new town, in a new home, and in a new church but I wouldn’t trade anything for the memories we’ve created with Nate + Kels. They have pushed us to be better people and better Christians.
I am so honored and excited to photograph their day in June. We were so lucky to have a beautiful morning to shoot these pictures at a tree farm in North Lima, and of course Generations Coffee House in Columbiana, Ohio. Coffee is something the four of us are always surrounding. We’ve shared numerous cups together as well as numerous conversations. We’re all a little obsessed with coffee mugs too.
Nate + Kels, thanks for being life-long friends <3

Had to post this…makes me laugh!