If you haven’t seen our family vacation video yet, view below 🙂 I had a lot of fun putting this together and can’t wait to create more with my GoPro. Such a fun and great tool.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4L14Xmrclw&w=560&h=315]
If you haven’t seen our family vacation video yet, view below 🙂 I had a lot of fun putting this together and can’t wait to create more with my GoPro. Such a fun and great tool.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4L14Xmrclw&w=560&h=315]
Let me know tell you, I had THE hardest time narrowing down which pictures I wanted to post. Nate & Haley were pros in front of the camera and they just love each other (which helps) 🙂 JK! I’m so thankful I met them and I’m super excited for their big day next October! Just about a year away!
We started out at Sidewalk Cafe in downtown Painesville and then went to Lake Erie College for some cute poses with their adorable dogs. LEC is so pretty. Great photo location.
We then met up at Fairport Beach with the sun just about to set. It was THE most PERFECT night. The sky was awesome. I couldn’t have asked for anything better. We had a lot of fun painting with light and finding that perfect shot. Enjoy a few (a lot) of my favs.
Austin is from Logan, Ohio but wanted unique photos compared to the rest of his classmates. So, he came up to visit his brother and sister-in-law and we went to the beach. Seems like I’m there a lot but it really is a neat place to be if you’re not from this area. Austin is such a hoot and was awesome to work with. And I heard he had a lot of fun too 😉
Austin, best wishes for your senior year! Make the most of it and make lots of happy memories!
I probably knew everyone’s name the day of this session but I couldn’t tell ya many now! These 13 cousins are just the bees knees! It was a zoo but with lots of help we got a bunch of great photos.
Starting traditions is a wonderful thing. I can remember so many that my parents started with my brothers and me. These kiddos experienced camping with all of their cousins, aunts & uncles, and Grandma & Grandpa, for the first time the weekend I was there. I’m sure they had an adventurous time. It was also a rare time to have the entire family together – so of course, get pictures done! Lots of people from out of state so it was nice to have everyone there. Enjoy a few of my favs!
Is there anything cuter than this family?! Gosh, I don’t think so! I had a blast with them at Mentor Headlands Beach. Even their color scheme is cute! Roman is 3 months old and just the happiest baby ever. I’m looking forward to capturing his first year with his family.
Jena + Matt invited me down to Columbus for their engagement session! They were troopers and got up super early to meet the sun at the Whetstone Park of Roses in Columbus. It was gorgeous! We also spent the morning on Ohio State’s campus since both of them are alum. Matt was a great tour guide 😉
I’m really looking forward to their wedding next August!